What fish are in season right now? Why does it matter?
Our fishermen have years of knowledge regarding seasonality, a lot of this knowledge has been handed down by generations of fishermen. It makes sense we should be guided by their expertise and make the most of what our UK waters have to offer at any particular time of the year.
Seasons are apparent due to water temperature, migration of stock, natural food sources, reproduction and spawning among other things.
Some seasons we should utilise, due to the quality of the fish, being tip top, best in class during a 12 month period. Due to the abundance and availability prices may slacken and deals can be had.
Some seasons need to be avoided, in our opinion, when fish are spawning and in poor condition, providing poor yealds and a poor eating experience.
Working so close to the industry we wish to guide you through these so important seasonal periods, offering you the best opportunity of giving your diners the best possible eating experience.
Keep up to date on this page – what’s in and what’s out – in regards to wild caught species.
Availability guide: Good, Varying, Poor, Time of best quality – If not specified specie is of consistent quality all year.
Price guide: £ = Low, ££ = Medium, £££ = High